International Trade

Profile of Countries in Region

Rank-wise Global Imports of Countries in CIS Region


Value in Million US$

Country Latest Yr. Previous Yr. Latest Yr. %age change (Latest Yr./ Previous Yr.). Indicative %age share in total imports of CIS region
Russia 2006 91481.12 128150.53 40.08 53.46
Ukraine 2006 36141.09 45034.58 24.61 18.79
Kazakhstan 2006 17352.21 23663.08 36.37 9.87
Belarus 2006 16698.74 22323.21 33.68 9.31
Azerbaijan 2006 4211.21 5267.64 25.09 2.20
Uzbekistan 2005 2891.37 3220.75 11.39 1.34
Moldova 2006 2292.96 2693.16 17.45 1.12
Georgia 2005 1847.01 2490.86 34.86 1.04
Armenia 2006 1691.54 2194.36 29.73 0.92
Turkmenistan 2005 2237.16 1939.97 -13.28 0.81
Kyrgyzstan 2006 1107.82 1718.20 55.10 0.72
Tajikistan 2005 829.07 1010.85 21.93 0.42

Rank-wise Global Exports of Countries in CIS Region

Country Latest Yr. Previous Yr. Latest Yr. %age change (Latest Yr./ Previous Yr.) Indicative % age share in total exports of CIS region
Russia 2006 184916.40 226523.96 22.50 66.26
Ukraine 2006 34286.75 38367.72 11.90 11.22
Kazakhstan 2006 27849.05 38244.42 37.33 11.19
Belarus 2006 15977.22 19738.54 23.54 5.77
Azerbaijan 2006 4347.15 6372.16 46.58 1.86
Turkmenistan 2005 3573.64 4794.32 34.16 1.40
Uzbekistan 2005 2977.09 3392.21 13.94 0.99
Moldova 2006 1091.26 1051.60 -3.63 0.31
Armenia 2006 936.98 1003.96 7.15 0.29
Georgia 2005 648.75 866.22 33.52 0.25
Kyrgyzstan 2006 672.01 794.08 18.16 0.23
Tajikistan 2005 639.82 746.72 16.71 0.22
Exports and Imports
Country Year 2002 Year 2005 Year 2006
Total CIS
Total CIS
Total CIS
Other Countries
Armenia 945.01 285.78 659.23 1691.54 374.55 1316.99 2194.36 692.42 1501.94
Azerbaijan 1665.56 650.48 1015.07 4211.21 1449.52 2761.69 5267.64 2098.17 3169.47
Belarus 9092.32 6295.24 2797.08 16698.74 11117.97 5580.80 22323.21 14496.78 7826.44
Georgia 793.28 292.33 500.95 2490.86 997.69 1493.17
Kazakhstan 6584.00 2921.32 3662.68 17352.21 8133.89 9218.32 23663.08 11052.20 12610.88
Kyrgyzstan 579.35 315.03 264.32 1107.82 685.64 422.18 1718.20 990.97 727.23
Moldova 1038.35 408.80 629.55 2292.96 905.88 1387.08 2693.16 1020.78 1672.38
Russia 40753.58 6852.39 33091.19 91481.12 12516.27 78964.85 28150.53 14995.83 113154.70
Tajikistan 371.81 198.24 173.57 1010.85 550.61 460.23
Turkmenistan 1103.24 334.02 769.33 1939.97 864.63 1075.34
Ukraine 1697.83 8968.21 8008.62 36141.09 17030.31 19110.78 45034.58 20184.88 24849.69
Uzbekistan 1878.98 659.93 1219.05 3220.75 1316.76 1903.99
Armenia 487 85.28 401.97 936.98 170.43 766.55 1003.96 198.04 805.92
Azerbaijan 2167.50 929.72 1237.78 4347.15 333.61 4013.54 6372.16 243.69 6128.47
Belarus 8020.90 4401.54 3619.36 15977.22 7052.62 8924.60 19738.54 8597.51 11141.03
Georgia 346.33 188.84 157.49 866.22 447.88 418.34
Kazakhstan 9651.52 2167.79 7483.73 27849.05 4066.75 23782.30 38244.42 5570.74 32673.68
Kyrgyzstan 460.31 378.95 81.35 672.01 201.31 470.71 794.08 167.78 626.30
Moldova 643.90 350.46 293.44 1091.26 551.37 539.89 1051.60 424.13 627.47
Russia 75483.86 9305.18 66178.68 184916.40 20315.71 16400.69 226523.96 24746.87 201777.10
Tajikistan 452.29 77.02 375.27 746.72 122.95 623.77
Turkmenistan 2626.50 2154.07 472.43 4794.32 3159.24 1635.08
Ukraine 17957.10 4377.44 13579.70 34286.75 10739.70 23547.03 38367.72 12665.60 25702.19
Uzbekistan 1546.96 532.31 1014.55 3392.21 1496.93 1895.28

Source : UN Database